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The benefits of buying a new home

September 8th, 2022

Among the main reasons that encourage a buyer to turn to a new home (if not THE main one) is the fact of not having to go through months of renovation. If the idea of the “turnkey” enchants, buying a new house also has a lot of economic advantages.

1. Put away the hammer, no renovation needed!

When you buy a property by plan, you can usually customize several finishes. Do you want hardwood, a type of molding or the addition of a fireplace? When choosing certain features of your dream house

2. Guarantee Plan

The buyer of a new home, accredited by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ), can take advantage of the Guarantee plan for new residential buildings. In addition, if the buyer notices a construction defect during the first five years, the contractor must generally proceed with the required work. The file is then managed by the Guarantee of GCR.

3. Energy saving

New properties generally offer good energy efficiency thanks to the application of current standards and the use of new materials during construction, which translates into a lower electricity bill.

4. Access to property

Thanks to certain access to home ownership programs, many first-time buyers of new homes can realize their dream of becoming a homeowner without spending a huge amount in down payment.

Reference: https://www.guidehabitation.ca/blogue/7-avantages-economiques-dachat-une-habitation-neuve/

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